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Purchase your sunbed package online, we then add the mintues to your Indulgence account and then come in to use them..Simple!!!

60 Minute - Stand-Up Sunbed Package

  • Over 18s Only for sunbed! Sunbed cannot be booked. No food or drinks can be consumed whilst on our bed, and children are not allowed in the sunbed in any circumstances. All children must be accompanied by another adult at all times and cannot be left with the Indulgence staff members whilst tanning. Sunbed Packages cannot be shared. We have a maximum minute policy of 12Mins per session if you wish to have more a disclaimer must be signed and we are not willing to allow anyone on any bed for longer than 15Mins. Our Last sunbed is 15Mins before closing anyone who arrives after this time will not be put on a bed regardless of the amount of minutes they are having. All Clients must register and agree to our terms and conditions before using our beds we can only advise on the minutes you should have and if you choose to have more that is your choice.

  • Sunbed Packages can only be refunded if No minutes have been used and within a one month of purchase.

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